How Do Windows Tablets Differ From The First Generation Of Traditional Tablets?:
Article by Patrick Thompson
How Do Windows Tablets Differ From The First Generation Of Traditional Tablets? - Computers
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Microsoft is well on its way to establishing a top position in the tablet market. Windows tablets have continuously evolved to meet the demands of consumers and business professionals on the go. Each new tablet release has incorporated newer technologies and features. This is particularly the case with the release of the new Windows 8 tablets. With all the technological advancements included in the newest tablets, they have evolved and now differ greatly from the first generation of traditional tablets.
Within the Windows tablet, there is an actual hard drive rather that the traditional flash drive that was found in earlier versions. These new and improved tablets have many more features than the first generation of traditional tablets such as USB slots that permit other devices to be connected to it as well as a memory card slot that effectively becomes portable storage for the tablet. Many now come equipped with an HDMI port that gives users the ability to directly connect to HDMI devices and screens. In the past tablets were more of a stand-alone device used for personal entertainment. Now they can be fully integrated in your arsenal of high tech gadgets and devices used to get work done.
The hardware that comes with these new and improved tablets provides many important benefits. The most notable is the capability to run full desktop applications, again making these devices full work horses instead of one trick ponies. Since they support and run full programs, you now have the capability to transfer files from your computer to the tablet. You have all of the editing and viewing capabilities of your home computer on your portable and convenient tablet. In addition, unlike earlier version tablets, the Windows tablets can play HD videos, which mean superior multimedia capabilities. All these features mean that you can really impress the crowd during your next meeting by instantly recalling documents, graphs or videos and sharing them with fellow workers or clients.
You can do much more with the current Windows tablets than you ever could do with the first generation tablets. Another key difference is the newer tablets have support capabilities for additional hardware. For instance, they can support TV tuners and printers. In addition, Windows tablets have touch screens that can be written on using a stylus. The stylus can be used just like a mouse so you can paste, copy, undo, delete, and scroll up or down. You can even cut text to use in a particular program or send via e-mail. Another feature of the windows tablet that distinguishes it from the earlier predecessors is the handwriting recognition technology that can be used for both text and numbers. Written numbers can be imported into a word processing program for easy and immediate storage.
Operating a Windows tablet can often seem like you are operating a mini desktop, as they are equipped with everything you need to do work that you would do on a desktop. Tablet buttons can be easily configured to do a number of particular tasks or key commands. A button can be assigned to open emails or specific programs. These new and improved tablets are the real deal. They are full functioning tools as they come with a hard drive, file system, storage, and plenty of capacity, giving users plenty of flexibility for work and fun.
Learn more about the latest Windows tablet at - one of the largest producers of tablets and other mobile computing gadgets like ultrabooks and smart notebooks.
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Patrick Thompson
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