Gnome Shell vs. Ubuntu Unity :
When it comes to choose the next generation desktop environment, there is sheer war among the computer users, whether to pick GNOME Shell or Ubuntu Unity? Both of these operating systems are looming on the horizon and there are huge expectations from desktop environments. In this article we are going to discuss more about GNOME Shell and Ubuntu Unity. For operating system support, you can consult a PC repair company. There are plenty of them available in the market.
Let’s start the discussion with GNOME Shell. Being the next generation of the GNOME Desktop Environment, GNOME Shell is a component of GNOME 3.0. It has been scheduled for release in April 2011. It replaces GNOME Panel and is integrated with Mutter which is a compositing window manager for X11.
On the other hand, Ubuntu Unity is a shell interface for the GNOME desktop environment. It has been developed by Canonical Ltd for the Ubuntu operating system and debuted in the netbook edition of Ubuntu 10.10. At first glance, Ubuntu Unity is going to be much more accessible to new users. This is because a new user might not be aware about the fact that to open up the launcher menu they need to hover their mouse in the upper left corner or click the Activities button. In Ubuntu Unity, the launchers are positioned right on the desktop.
You will find no run dialog in Ubuntu Unity. Most of the computer users used to use this dialog for launching applications for a very long time. Omission of this run dialog will definitely create a problem for them. On the contrary, on GNOME Shell you can have your run dialog!
Configuring the desktop is also very easy in the GNOME Shell. The users only need to right-click the desktop, the traditional way. But in order to configure Ubuntu Unity desktop, the user must click Applications, then System, and then Appearance. Even many will also find difficulties to find applications as they need to get to Systems from within Applications.
With both of these desktop environments you can’t change your window manager. Whether you prefer Emerald over the standard window manager, either GNOME Shell or Ubuntu Unity, none allows you to perform the task. The Linux desktop are widely popular due to its flexibility. But those who are planning to use either GNOME Shell or Ubuntu Unity you will not be able to enjoy this flexibility.
So, from the discussion, it is clear that both of these desktop environments have some good and bad. Now, it’s up to the users which one they will prefer.
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