Netbook Careful, iPad and Tablet Steal Users: tablet pc sale
The forecast made by Display Search: global sales of mini laptops in 2010 will reach 44 million share units. Of these five million will be touch tablet models.
The iPad continues to have people talking about it. Not because it was discovered, according to what iSuppli's analysts wrote, that the mere cost of production of the basic version, is only $ 260 (including $ 95 only for the display touchscreen). Selling in the United States for Apple to for $ 499, after subtracting the development and sales costs, the Apple company's profit margin seems to be, once again, very interesting.
The most important thing that caught the overseas experts attention related to the Apple iPad is another reason. The increasingly shared opinion is the new generation of tablet computers - Slate PC such as HP and smartbooks like luxury Lenovo included - will impact negatively on sales of netbooks in 2010. This is explicitly reported in a report just released by Display Search, which predicts the request for tablet devices will record a real boom in the coming months, particularly in North America and Western Europe. In these two markets, Apple has partnered with various publishers and content providers and it is here that they will focus its efforts in terms of distribution level.
Taking a look to the official data available on the web, the tablet / slate sales in late December should reach five million units, with netbooks accredited of about 39 million specimens (five million more than the market quote in 2009). The mini-PC segment as a whole will grow 28.5% in volume and it will be approximately one fifth (43.8 million units) of total laptops sales planned for this year, amounting to just 215 million units. In terms of sales we are talking about a business worth over 13 billion dollars.
Summarizing, the message that the experts want to give is as follows: the popularity among consumers of tablet devices and, in particular, the iPad, will be so high that they can steal space and users from netbook even though they remain attractive for their list prices.
Fabio Rizzo is the webmaster of a new price comparison service called Priceandoffer where you can find all the new electronic devices that you want. If you want a review of the last electronic device, read this article
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