Thursday, February 4, 2016

Windows 10 Spying Concerns: Are They Still Viable?

When Windows 10 first launched many users quick to flock to the new operating system as they were in a hurry to get away from Windows 8. However, a lot of those users became unsure of Windows 10 when reports started coming in that the operating system was practically spying on everything you did. Some of the reports were completely false while others held some truth but were completely blown out of proportion. With the operating system now available for over 8 months, it's time to take a look at all the concerns people had and whether or not those worries are still relevant today.

Read more about this topic on the ComputerServiceNow Blog!

Friday, January 29, 2016

Ransomware Is The Newest Virus Wreaking Havoc On PC Users

Let's face facts. If you own a computer, whether it be a laptop, desktop, or tablet, you run the risk of getting some type of virus. Computer viruses come in all types of variations and can wreak total havoc on your technology. It seems that a new type of virus or malware is popping up every day and the most recent one is a real piece of work.

The newest computer virus to plague is known as Ransomware. Ransomware is a malware that is used by underground criminals to get cash quickly from the pockets of innocent computer users. Ransomware is a virus that takes control of your entire computer, locking it down, and demanding a "ransom" from you, the user, in order to get control of your PC back. While users were quick to shell out the money when Ransomware first arrived on the scene, we now have better ways to combat it. To learn more about Ransomware and how to combat it, go here!