Android tablet: does size really matter?:
Article by Gostop
Android tablet: does size really matter? - Computers
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Android tablet: does size really matter?
Now with the new release of iPad2, the tablets market become more and more exciting, HTC along with every other android tablet manufacturer seems to be looking at a spring release timeframe, and with the new HTC Flyer, the tablet featured in the above was announced earlier today to be exclusive to sprint as the 4G service provider. The WiFi only version on the other hand will be exclusive to Bestbuy, and unlike Xoom, let's hope it will not require a month service with Sprint to purchase.
There's a chart comparing detailed Specs of new Samsung galaxy tabs to iPad2
and the above chart showing off a detailed comparison of the new Samsung Galaxy Android Tablet, the 10.1 and 8.9, to the Apple iPad2. The highlights are that the new Android tablets from Samsung are thinner, lighter, have more powerful camera, and higher resolution screens. I got a stupid question, is the size bigger better or smaller ok?
You can get android tablets with 10 inch, 7 inch, or 5 inch screens, and they come with different level of on-board RAM, processing capabilities, and battery life. In my point of view, I think 7 inch model are fitting perfect for the hand. Compared to the iPad 9.7 inch screen, the only 7-inch screen, but still a great android alternative to the iPad. The display is a thin film transistor (TFT) LCD display at a resolution of 800*400. While iPad 9.7 inch model is heavier and bigger, I usually get my arm hurt when using for 2 more hours.
Now with more product flooding into the wholesale electronic stores, the competition upgrades. Choose right size for yourself base.
Android tablet: does size really matter?
Now with the new release of iPad2, the tablets market become more and more exciting, HTC along with every other android tablet manufacturer seems to be looking at a spring release timeframe, and with the new HTC Flyer, the tablet featured in the above was announced earlier today to be exclusive to sprint as the 4G service provider. The WiFi only version on the other hand will be exclusive to Bestbuy, and unlike Xoom, let's hope it will not require a month service with Sprint to purchase. is a comprehensive business-to-business website serving as the leading international trade platform to oversea buyers and Chinese sellers. Secondly, provides hundreds of thousands electronics & accessories from certified Chinese wholesalers.
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