2 reasons why many people need Windows 8 Tablets:
Article by Bobbymo
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Since 2000, Bill Gates once has put forward the concept of tablet PC, it is actually a Windows operating system with a stylus device. So far, there is still existing such a device in the market, but even Microsoft has worked for 10 years, this Tablet PC has not really become mainstream. This year Apple released the iPad tablet PCs, and success, it is so popular by most users. Then, several manufacturers have said they would be involved in the Tablet PC market, Microsoft is one of them. We look forward to see Windows 8 tablet, because there is essentially different from some other competitors such as BlackBerry Playbook, iPad or Galaxy Tab. The issues that a Windows 8 tablet could address are the twin troubles of file handling and app compatibility--two things that remain troublesome thorns in the sides of both Android and iOS. ( popular software: ipad transfer )
It's About Files...and About Apps
In reality, for most of us, a Windows computer is already part of our lives. And in going between a laptop or desktop and an iOS device or an Android device, one can run into all sorts of issues and incompatibilities. Not to mention the specific issue of app compatibility. App compatibility goes both ways. Let's face it: All the cool, new software development has been for mobile devices. And I've often wished that a cool app I'm using on a mobile device could be used on my laptop, too. And maybe that I could manipulate or share the data on the mobile with the desktop (and do so in a way that doesn't rely only on the cloud).
The exception: Tablets like Fujitsu's Stylistic Q550. This Windows 7 tablet quietly shipped this summer, with a clear aim at vertical markets and corporate use. Why? Because those markets already have custom apps designed for use on laptops that could translate well to a tablet--but those markets need the platform stability and compatibility that Windows 7 already provides. Today's Windows tablets try hard (besides Fujitsu, Motion Computing and Viewsonic are among the few manufacturers with such products), but they can't make up for the inherent weaknesses of, not the hardware, but--yes--Microsoft Windows. It's been nearly a decade since Microsoft broadly touted the idea of a "tablet PC," and the company is only just on the cusp of introducing a touch-friendly interface--one that won't be introduced until we get Windows 8.
The Benefits of Unity
Corporate IT isn't the only arena that will benefit from a Windows-based tablet, though. Consumers will reap the benefits of unity, too. With Windows 8 and a bona fide touch-optimized operating system, the Windows platform--along with the apps that will inevitably be developed for it--has the potential to compete with the established mobile operating systems, and better unify how we do things across our different devices. At that point, it's no longer a question of whether an app will work on the OS, but instead a question of whether an app will run on everything from an ARM chip on up to a quad-core CPU. Hardware guts will matter, and developers will have to figure out ways to elegantly bridge the different hardware requirements, but in an ideal world, the potential for unity is high. Right now, not even Apple has unity; its highly successful iOS apps run only on iOS devices, leaving Mac OS X users in the dark.
Windows 8 tablet will face against Apple iPad, Android tablet, Chrome OS netbook. The purpose of Microsoft's Windows 8 Tablet PC is to compete with them, therefore, in order to win the market, the price of Microsoft Windows 8 Tablet PC will not be too high, and it is likely to be similar to the price of the Android Tablet PC. Dell has always been loyal to the Microsoft Windows system, whether it is Tablet PC or other PC, Dell will definitely launch its own Win 8 touch-screen products. According to foreign media reports, Microsoft in the past decade, the Tablet PC has been committed to research and development. We can imagine, the success of the Apple iPad brought much encourage to Microsoft. Microsoft apparently has not been scared the market that is filled with the Apple iPad, it is reported that Windows 8 Tablet PC with the latest operating system will soon appear in people's attention.
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