Android pc tablet:
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Though tablet PCs have been around for some time now the new Android pc tablet is latest and cheapest option available to buy. Though there is plethora of pc tablets available in the market most people prefer the Google Android pc tablet. Google which advocates open source software customized space for Android OS system. In the next-generation mobile PC, the tablet is the pioneer in the mobile internet and internet surfing. Playing games, watching movies on the move is the biggest advantage that people find no matter which pc tablet they are using. And companies try to outdo each other in adding as many features in the pc tablet and also make it as affordable as possible.
The tablet market has increased over time and it has spread to the world of tablet PCs and portable media players. The most fascinating feature about tablet is that it is cheaper and much more cost friendly. It has faster speed processor larger RAM and great touch screen sensitivity. The new Google tablet is the latest gadget that people love to carry around with them. With the tablet all the multimedia files can be accessed with just a touch of a screen.
Most of the tablet being distributed in the market today employs the Cortex A-8 or A-9 computer chip within their structure and since the chip is an open ended technology it can be used for any tablet. The ipad launched by Apple though employs an in house technology that was specifically made for Apples ipad tablet and was created specifically for pc tablet. But lots of experts agree that the tablet far surpass the ipad in terms of overall performance and speed not mention the price. But if you are thinking of buying a Android pc tablet always make sure to verify it has a Cortex A-8 or A-9 processor chip in it.
The quality of the software used in tablet is the Android 2.2 Edition operating system which is compatible with Google android operating system so people can access the thousands of free programs that are continually added to the Google android operating system. If you are still confused between buying an ipad or the Galaxy tablet or the Google tablet then the best choice would be to go with Google because of its open end software and price. If you are buying your Google Android pc tablet online then the best place is with their worldwide free shipping you can check out the different options you have before deciding on what you want to buy. An additional feature of Google tablet is it comes with USB port and Ethernet connection so you can directly plug into internet connection. The Google Android pc tablet has all the standard features you would expect from a tablet and more. It supports YouTube, Skype and also touch-screen tablet PC built-in speaker, microphone and audio output.
Hi,it hasn't been released yet.this device is test version we got from Cube.the speed is fast same like U30GT,the screen is good,7 inch IPS 5 points multi-touch,it is easy to touch,it just looks like small size U30GT.some of customers like 7 inch ips,so this tablet might be the best choice for 7" ips dual core tablet.