Beyond Saving Money: The Benefits of Buying Used and Refurbished Servers, Computers and Hardware for Your Business:
Article by Jenn Marcelais
Beyond Saving Money: The Benefits of Buying Used and Refurbished Servers, Computers and Hardware for Your Business - Computers
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The increasing amount of productivity, innovation and constant upgrading of computers, personal and business electronics has caused the technology industry to create a large market of consumers who are constantly buying, upgrading, selling and discarding millions of products each year. The average consumer replaces their computer or laptop every 3-4.5 years, 12-18 months for cell phones, smart phones and tablets.
By buying quality refurbished computers you can save your business thousands of dollars a year in discounted electronics purchases and extending the life of the electronics you already have. It's not always necessary to have the latest, just released last week, state of the art pc, phone, tablet and technology gadget. Many electronics can last for several years longer if properly maintained and components replaced with quality pre-used ones.
The largest benefit to your business that purchasing used and refurbished computers and other office equipment is of course the dramatic savings it offers. Most equipment can be purchased at up to 80% of its original cost. Purchasing office electronics from companies like Newport Computers ensures that these items have been thoroughly tested for quality assurance and function so that they work just like they were new.
Purchasing refurbished computers, laptops, used hardware, printers and other peripherals offers not only many benefits to your business including saving large amounts of money, but there are many other benefits to the planet as well.
Each year we discard millions of tons of computers, laptops, printers, scanners, keyboards, cell phones and other eWaste. Much of that likely consisted of components and electronics that could have been recycled and reused. Instead they often wind up being improperly disposed of which leads to a much bigger problem for us all.
These products contain many poisonous and toxic chemicals. The heavy metals lead, nickel, cadmium, and mercury that are found in most eWaste are all toxic and pose huge risks to humans and the environment if mismanaged and inappropriately disposed of.
Recycling eWaste conserves natural resources and energy waste, prevents air and water pollution, and prevents greenhouse gas emissions from creating new materials. By reducing our trash output, reusing what we already have, and recycling old products we can help protect the environment from further contamination and offset the energy exertion created by their production.
Recycling the two pounds of copper that you can find in an average PC saves the 618 pounds of waste rock produced by mining it, not to mention the energy necessary to do so. The same is true of other precious and semi-precious metals found amongst the various components of computers and hardware such as gold, platinum, silver and aluminum.
Newport Computer Services has continued to increase it's contribution to that offset and prevention of environmental damage. Newport now has a second U.S. facility in Morrisville, North Carolina and is in the process of expanding to Nevada, to serve the south and west of the United States.
Newport has a philosophy that there is a way to harmony by way of the "reduce, reuse, recycle" stream that flows through Asset Recovery, from businesses and consumers back to businesses and consumers. This isn't just a one-way flow; it's a cycle of commodities and value among clients, companies, partners and consumers where all can share in the value and help benefit the Earth.
Newport Computers offers quality and fully tested refurbished desktop computers, refurbished laptop computers, used printers, used monitors and other used computer parts and components for sale. They are a leader in computer asset recovery and IT assets recycling industry and offer only the best recycled computers, computer hardware and components for sale in their online store.
They also specialize in environmentally safe and secure disposal of e-waste, used, old computers and electronic equipment. To find out more about what they can do for your business, call (603) 926-4300 or email
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Jenn Marcelais
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