My pick for the top touchscreen PC 2011:
Article by Richard Tinker
My pick for the top touchscreen PC 2011 - Technology
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What I am trying to get at is the fact that many tablets I discover across are given to me as a check for a month at a time or even during an industry trip, I dont require to establish my decision for the top tablet PC 2011 on the fact an unit might deserve to be the top. My choice for the top touchscreen PC 2011 will be based on the tablet I use everyday because I was so impressed that I went and bought my own, therefore my choice for best handheld PC 2011 is the Ipad 2 64GB handheld PC 2011
best touchscreen PC 2011 - Why the iPad 2
Now then before you go and rip my decision for the top tablet PC 2011 let me just say this nomination does not come easily, when I spend my hard earn cash on something like this it has to be special and the Ipad 2 is. In my opinion I still think other brands are chasing the iPad and at best they can only copy its specification, yes there is the flash v no flash debate and then there is the entire thing about what is the best Operating system. I use my iPad 2 everyday it was this thought that lended its name to my website name, it has never let me down but I am open to suggestions. This is why just the other day I wrote about my nominations for the top tablet PC 2011, it is because of my feelings towards the iPad 2 why I excluded it from the nominations for top handheld PC 2011 the other week.
The other thing I must say is the iPad 2 is my selection for the top tablet PC 2011 because it delivers every month by being totally reliable, I actually purchased the first generation iPad which I gave to my mom after she had a breakdown at work. Angry birds helped her recover by letting her relax, so much so I didn't have the heart to take it back from her plus it was a perfect enough excuse to get hold of the brand spanking iPad 2. Although my iPad accompanies me to work my laptop is my merchandising tool where as my iPad fills the gap for everything else, everything just feels more fun on the iPad. See I told you it was personal the iPad went beyond me and helped someone come through the hardest period of their life, making this decision for best handheld PC 2011 extra poignant.
I could of course go on about the specs and crispness of the display, but my summary would be that none of the other tablets performed quite as well or were as easy to use. So with that bombshell out of the way please send in your accounts and choices of your choice for best tablet PC 2011. Once I have received enough nominations I will produce a comprehensive top ten list before the end of the year for our official best handheld PC 2011 list.
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Richard Tinker
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