Monday, August 27, 2012

Mobile Computing - Laptops, Notebooks, Tablets, or Smart Phones on Steroids?

Mobile Computing - Laptops, Notebooks, Tablets, or Smart Phones on Steroids?: notebook tablet pc

Just last week I was talking to a small business person who was in the recycling business, while I was at Starbucks. We talked how he was able to take two hours off in the middle of the day and sit and talk with me. He whipped out his new Apple iPhone IV and he showed me. He has a contract with AT&T and he was able to pick up the phone for only $ 199. This is a lot less expensive than the original iPhones, and apparently Apple is now competing quite well with the other smart phones which are trying to imitate its revolutionary technologies.

Prior to this he said he took his laptop or notebook around with him so he could run his business. He was considering buying a tablet, but he said; "with all the new business apps that I've owned," it was not until now that he can run his business just fine all from a small device like this. He also explained it had security enhancements to protect his e-mail messages and attachments. And he was able to integrate his phone with his Microsoft exchange business e-mail files, and he had corresponding folders that were also on his laptop which he can pull up from his iPhone.

Apparently, he does not feel at all as if he is encumbered with such a small device. I related to him the fact that I owned one of the first transportable cellular phones back in the day. And even though it cost me $ 1000 per month to pay for the minutes I used, I too was able to run most of my business from that phone. And back then we didn't have computers, and fax machines had just been invented. It is amazing how do technology devices free up a small business person so they can do mobile computing on the go.

Just then, he received an e-mail, confirmed an order, called his manager, and sent a text message back to the customer. Basically he did that in about 2 min., and we continue our conversation. This just goes to show you that you don't need a laptop, a notebook, or even a tablet computer to participate in the new mobile world of business.

The reason I mention this, is I got an advertisement in the mail from AT&T with about the same offer that he was explaining to me, along with all the options, and an explanation of all the business apps which were readily now available. It makes sense. Indeed I hope you will please consider this.

Lance Winslow is a retired Founder of a Nationwide Franchise Chain, and now runs the Online Think Tank. Lance Winslow believes it's hard work to write 21,300 articles;

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Notebook Tablet Pc Videos

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