Sunday, January 8, 2012

Computer Graphics Tablet

Computer Graphics Tablet:

Article by Darren Pace

Computer Graphics Tablet - Computers

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Graphic designers the world over love technology and how it affects their profession or their course of study. One piece of technology that has improved the graphic design industry is known as the computer graphics tablet. A computer graphics tablet allows graphic designers to draw objects onto a computer screen without having to use a keyboard or a mouse. Instead, the designer will be using a tablet, one that is connected to the computer with either hardware or wirelessly and has a drawing device. The drawing device can be either a pen or stylus, which is a pen-shaped plastic object that is used to write or draw on a tablet. Acomputer graphics tablet

A major benefit of the computer graphics tablet is that it can prevent users from developing the stressful condition known as carpel tunnel syndrome. Carpel tunnel syndrome affects a person's hands and wrists and can develop when too much time is spent at the computer typing. A drawing tablet does not have to be used solely by graphic designers or other types of artists. Instead, this type of tablet can be used by almost anyone who wishes to purchase the item today because they do not like the feel of the mouse or the keyboard for their computer.

Sizes of computer graphics tablets have a large range and the size needed depends on the person purchasing the tablet. The smallest of sizes is three inches by four inches while the largest of sizes is fourteen inches by fourteen inches. The larger tablets are used commonly in the architecture and professional designer industries. These larger tablets will also be the most expensive to purchase on the market because it takes more material to manufacture them and they will have more features than the smaller tablets.

A feature that you should research prior to purchasing a computer graphics tablet is the pressure sensitivity feature. This feature helps a drawing tablet user control a couple aspects of their drawing from line thickness to color. The ideal sensitivity levels go up to 512 levels, which allow the user to push down on the stylus just like using a real pen or pencil when drawing. Another feature to consider is whether or not the stylus is attached or detached from the drawing tablet. A stylus attached to the drawing tablet is easier to keep track of, preventing you from losing it, while an unattached stylus is easier to maneuver because it is not tethered to the tablet. Some of the best stylus pens on the market, whether tethered or not, will have buttons on the side of them for added functions. Those added functions will be for switching the pen from drawing to erasing, keeping the user from using the mouse or the keyboard attached to the computer to perform these tasks. The price range for a computer graphics tablet can be anywhere from $ 100-$ 500 with the low end tablets costing $ 100 and the high end tablets costing $ 500.

About the Author

A computer graphics tablet is also referred to as a drawing tablet or a drawing pad and can be used to prevent users from developing the stressful condition known as carpel tunnel syndrome.

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whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included.

Darren Pace

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  1. DirtySickIceCreamJune 4, 2015 at 3:52 PM

    @bluelimelight2 thanks

  2. DirtySickIceCreamJune 4, 2015 at 4:52 PM

    can that work with paint sai

  3. are you fucking kidding me?
    that thing that might be a wing is 11 years of experience?

  4. Please do us all a favor and do not post any more You Tube videos.

  5. The fuck is this shit lmfao


  6. What you need to use a graphics tablet: 1)a computer, 2) a graphics tablet. wait what? i need a graphics tablet to use a graphics tablet? dang it.....that what i was missing

  7. That didn't help me at all.

  8. Thankyou for teaching me how to open up Photoshop.
    This was very enlightening.

  9. Nice, epic, I like it. No, I love it.

  10. step 1: get graphics tablet....step 2: blah blah words blah blah...step 3: profit

  11. only difference with my eyes open is that i took notice of
    "LOL at the warriors" dunno why anyway were you saying people that came to this tutorial vid for help are questioning the the guy in the vid telling them what to do.If that is he case then i am too lazy to type another 10 words so stfu or gtfo.

  12. Are you still talking douchebag?

  13. Read my comment again with your eyes open this time.

  14. you don't know what the video is until you watch it -.-"
