Samsung Galaxy Tab 2-Should You Or Should You Not?:
Article by Vinnit
Samsung Galaxy Tab 2-Should You Or Should You Not? - Technology - Electronics
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There are a number of models that are being released in the market by the company Samsung, with regard to the mobiles, laptops, the tablets and more. There was the Samsung Galaxy tab that first started off in the Samsung tablets. Then there was no looking back. Though the first galaxy was not much of a success, there was a great welcome in the other upcoming days.
There are a number of things that are improvised in the new Samsung galaxy tab 2. Though there are a number of great things that are added to this tablet device, there are a number of things that have been to be considered from the users' side. The main things would be the concern about the weight that the device comes in. After a year for releasing the first of the Galaxy tablets, it was the time for the next round. This was when the Galaxy Tab 750 and Galaxy Tab 730 were released. There are a number of features that these two tablets have in common. They are similar in most of the technical aspects. There are only the differences seen in the case of the screens sizes.
Samsung Galaxy Tab 2 has a number of good things that are incorporated in it. They include the following things that are mentioned here. They have instead increased on their technical weight. They are actually thicker than the original version. There is the 8.9 inches screen that has a resolution of 1280x800 pixels. There is the other model in the same series which has a screen size of 10.1 inches. The picture and the video clarity are very good in this case. There are a number of other good things that would include the speaker grills that are placed on either side of the tablet.
The quality of the audio that they produce is good but there are chances that you tend to cover them when you are holding on the sides. This would lead to a muffled volume that would come up from the device. Though the quality of the audio was not as good as Xoom, the music was clear enough. The display too is very clear and good. There are also the internet options that are available in this tablet pc model which are quite good. It is trying to be on par with the 3G models that are available in the market; also there is the Android 4.0 which is the latest in the market.
Vinnit Alex is an eminent author who provides concrete information about computing devices like computers and computer accessories, Samsung Tablet, Sony Tablet and Spice Tablet are some of the devices he specializes in.
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